Diskussion:Shortest paths: Dijkstra and Floyd 4

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Version vom 4. Juli 2013, 12:37 Uhr von Ruffingc (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Hello group 4,

You represented the topic Dijkstra and Floyd algorithms (shortest path) in an exemplary manner. You showed all the theoretical points how the both algorithms are to use. You illustrated all examples very detailed, so everybody can follow the steps how the approaches are to treat. It is understandable how the end solution was achieved, because of the tabular structure. In addition to the steps of calculation you give also the formal explanation of the problem. The end tableau (Dijkstra) provides us with all informations about the distances between all nodes.

On the whole, we find you managed your WIKI-entry very well and it’s helpful in preparation for the exam.

group 2