Diskussion:Heuristics: Local search 1

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Version vom 23. Juli 2013, 00:34 Uhr von Lutskyy (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Comment on Heuristics: Loccal search 1)

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Dear group 1,

First of all:

Your article is very good. It is well structured and comprehensible.


In our opinion, it is a good idea to divide the theoretical part in a basic approach and the main theoretical part. So, the reader can decide how detailed he or she wants to be informed. The basic approach is already very informative.

In addition to that, it is good that you made a detailed overview of the applications of the heuristic.


Your example is comprehensible and well structured. It is well-arranged that you explain at first what the method is. Because of the graphics and tables, the presentation and solution of the problem is very descriptive.


Group 3

Comment on Heuristics: Local search 1

Hello Group,

First we have to say, you did a good job. The topic is structured very clearly. You had used a simple English so for us it was important we could understand it. Most notably we liked that you wrote seperate a short procedure to facilitate the approach and detailed the different problems. The text is facual and leans to the topic. Especially I like your example and the graph which makes the theme easier to follow. To illustrate what you did you different used colours and marked the solutions, that was great. To put it in a nutshell it was a almost perfect job. Best regards

PS: We had chosen your article for our comments because there was no other group who had the same topic like we had.