Diskussion:Cost minimal maximum flow in graphs: Ford-Fulkerson 4

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Hi there,

in following our comment in order to our bonus point exercise.

Basics of the concept Concerning your explanation of the differences between the Dijkstra and Floyd, it is to add that the Floyd-Algorithm is applied to the whole transportation-system (with its best routes..) (not just one route as the Dijkstra does)

Mathematical model: There is just a little literal error “Target function” instead of “Torget function” beside a wrong numeration at the side conditions. You can use latex for the declaration of the variables so that the indices are shown correctly. Example: Here you declared neither the source node nor the sink node... Furthermore you crossed out the full edge inconsequently... So in diagram 2 you crossed out B-D after your declaration but regarding your next step you crossed out the full edge A-C already before your declaration... For transfering products over path A-B-C-D it's necessary to do this in 2 steps. Your explanation why we have to do this could be better.. At the end there is missed the result of the example (for instance the total flow..) and the sources.

Best regards.